Tuesday March 8, 2022 is election day at St. John's Parish Hall on School St. This year, there are a few open positions.
Please take a more active interest in what goes on in your town. If you want to try for a position, have your friends write in your name. We need more people who are willing scrutinize the school district budget and look for ways to minimize spending and maximize revenue.
In the Comments column, hover over the green links to view descriptions of various candidates. Some candidates supplied their own statements, while other comments indicate incumbent or other status. Voters are urged to vote as they see fit.
If a candidate is running unopposed for an office, don't feel like you have to vote for that person. It may take only a few votes to secure the position. Thus not voting for an unopposed candidate could be considered a form of protest or disappointment.
Do not attempt to vote more than once, or vote as another person, a deceased person, or a non-resident, or vote if you are an illegal alien and all your have for ID are your deportation papers. You might be able to get away with that in San Francisco or Chicago, but not in New Hampshire (We hope!). (^¿⛯) |
Print the following list and bring it with you to the polls.