Budgets and Elections
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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

Check town web site for current business hours.

The town budget process culminates in a town election every March for the town, school board, and sewer department. A quick view of the major budgets shows overall spending at a glance.

Budget Bar Charts - To help you quickly see where your tax money is to be spent, take a look at the set of Bar Charts now available. If you want more eye-glazing detail, go to the town web site which houses all the budget narratives, spreadsheets, and other documents.

Elections by Year

For Allenstown budget and election details for a given year, click on one of the following links.


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

For National and State Elections held every two years in November, see the section at the end of this page.

Town Budget Process and Local Elections

This year's Town Election takes place on March 10 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Parish Hall on School St.

The most critical time period, however, is the Budget Process. The town web site explains the process and the schedule that is followed.

➤ 2021 Town Budget Process - The town web site provides details.

➤ Schedule of Town Meetings - The town web site provides a calendar of events ending with the town election (PDF file).

Overview of Town Elections

Warrant articles are legal questions asking the voters for approval for any of the following reasons:

  • To spend public funds for special one-time purchases
  • To add public funds to a capital reserve fund
  • To add, change, or delete a town ordinance
  • To decide a non-spending issue

Warrant articles typically originate from town hall, the zoning board, the school board, or the sewer commission. They may also originate by public petition, which requires that the author obtain at least 25 signatures of registered voters and submit the article by early January. Contact the Town Clerk for an exact deadline. Warrant articles that involve spending are reviewed by the selectmen and budget committee and either recommended or not recommended.

A sample ballot is available at Town Hall usually by late January. Additional information about candidates and warrant articles is published in the Hooksett Banner and on this web site.

State and National Elections

For results of the latest election, click on the link below. For information about voting districts, legislators, and how they have been voting, check out the links in the right column.

➤ 2024 State and National Election - TBD
➤ 2022 State and National Election
➤ 2020 State and National Election
➤ 2018 State and National Election
➤ 2016 Presidential Election
➤ 2014 State and National Election
➤ 2012 Presidential Election
➤ 2010 State and National Election

For more information about the national election, go to the NH Secretary of State site.

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