Board of Selectmen 2025
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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

Check town web site for current business hours.

2025 Board of Selectmen

As of the March 10, 2020 election, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) consists of five residents who are elected to administer public affairs for the town. The board is the typical governing entity of small New England towns. The Selectmen do not have governing authority over the School Board or the Sewer Commission.

Selectmen are elected for a three-year term with terms of office staggered so that only one selectman's term expires each year.

Highlights of latest meeting  

Select Board Members

At the March 2025 election, Maureen Higham and Jim Rodger are up for re-election. May God bless them all with the wisdom to guide our town. We still miss long-time Board member Sandy McKenney who passed into Eternity Feb. 21, 2024.

Name and E-mail Address Term Phone 603-
Kathleen Pelissier
2024-2027 485-4276
Patricia Caruso
2024-2027 485-4276
Maureen Higham
2022-2025 485-4276
Jim Rodger
2022-2025 485-4276
Scott McDonald
2023-2026 485-4276


The selectmen meet every other Monday at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, and sometimes less frequently if few issues need addressing.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

  • 2025 Meeting Agendas - Go to the town web's 2025 Agendas page. At that page, click on a link. The next page displays a list containing the agenda document and any other pertinent documents. Click on any link to open that document.
  • 2025 Meeting Minutes - Go to the town web's 2025 Minutes page. Meeting minutes inform you as to how the selectmen handle town affairs. Minutes usually take up to several days to be typed, proofread, approved, and uploaded to the web site. Instead, read the meeting highlights below, which are much more timely and to the point. Read the official minutes to see how exciting or dull the actual meeting was.

The following acronyms are used:

AES - Allenstown Elementary School
ARD - Armand Dupont School
BOS - Board of Selectmen
CNHRPC - Central NH Regional Planning Commission
DOR - NH Dept. of Revenue
EDC - Economic Development Committee
FD - Fire Department
NH DOT - NH Dept. of Transportation
NHMA - NH Municipal Association
OAMH -Old Allenstown Meeting House
PD - Police Department
RSA - Revised Statutes Annotated (state laws)
TA - Town Administrator

NOTE Due to the somewhat poor acoustics of the meeting room, echoing, and occasional mumbling, some discussions were difficult to hear clearly. Check the official minutes to get more details.

little bearIf any details were incorrectly reported, please advise the web master (not the bear).

BOS Meeting Highlights

Meeting highlights began in July 25, 2016. Meeting highlights for last year are available via the Meeting Archive link at top right.

BOS Meeting on Feb. 24, 2025

Agenda and related documents on town web site

  • Citizen's Comments – Mr. Frascinella reviewed all the news stories he wrote for teh Hooksett Bridge newspaper.
    Peter Desantis spoke about the need for the BOS to represent the residents. Mr. McDonald replied that our local state reps were not adequately representing us.
    Mr. McDonald then mentioned a dedication ceremony for Sandy McKenney's park bench on the Rail Trail.
  • Police Dept. – Chief Stark spoke of a lease for a new 2025 Dodge Durango cruiser not to exceed $52,400. The BOS authorized the checif to complete the deal.
  • Fire Dept. – Chief Lambert mentioned the final two hires to replace departed staff, both hired as on call firefighters. Approved.
  • Treasurer – Discussion on filling this position postponed.
  • Town Administrator's Report:
    - The current copy machine has not been adequate for printing various town reports. A higher capacity machine was found for a $159/yr increase and allowed use of less expensive paper. BAS approved the new copier.
    - 2022 audits were completed. The 2024 audits were in process.
    - At the next meeting the BOS were to interview three police chief candidates in non-public session.
    - The school board finally signed the P&S for the two schools. The TA was to ask the town attorney about the next steps.
    - Request from new residents - Trish Caruso said that some residents asked for info about the town. She asked if the town could develop a "New Resident Packet."
  • Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Feb. 10, 2025.
  • The meeting went into non-public session to discuss the Treasurer's position.

BOS Meeting on Feb. 10, 2025

Agenda and related documents on town web site

  • Citizen's Comments – Mr. Frascinella mentioned the upcoming EDC events. There was no news on the Plourde property. Candidate statements were being solicited for posting on the town web site. Manchester Sand & Gravel announced a huge housing development just south of Allenstown.
    Diane Adinolfo announced the Planning Board's recommendation to buy AES and ARD.
  • Fire Dept. news – Chief Lambert mentioned new candidates to replace those who left the dept. Due to crowding in the engine bays, he would like to sell the 2010 Ambulance to Fire Med for $5,000. FireMed trains people to be firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs. The BOS approved. He was also working on obtaining classrooms at AES for fire training and seeking outdoor space for a fire training ground.
  • P&S Agreements – The BOS approved motions to have the chairman sign the latest agreements and return them to the school board.
  • Comcast service – A notice was received that Comcast was seeking to provide broadband service to the unserved and underserved areas of NH. The BOS agreed to respond to Comcast.
  • Road paving – The BOS signed a contract with GMI for road paving. Mr. Pelissier noted that state bill HB314 was trying to curtail towns from working with legislative advisory groups.
  • Town Administrator's Report:
    - BOS meetings were now available via livestream.
    - The TA was asking a vendor to replace and old modem at the fire station which oddly connects the town systems to the Internet
  • Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Jan. 20 and Jan. 27, 2025.
  • The meeting then adjournde at 7:09 p.m.

BOS Meeting on Jan. 27, 2025

Agenda and related documents on town web site

  • Citizen's Comments – Mr. Frascinella reported on concerts and the auction of Plourde Sand & Gravel. Alan Turcotte mentioned the new state legislative calendar. One resident spoke of an interest in town projects. Diane Adinolfo mentioned a forthcoming review by the Planning Board of the AES & ARD purchases. Ron Adinolfo explained that the town had approved a 2015 warrant article to allow selectmen to buy and sell property. He promoted the use of AES for town offices.
  • Second Signing of AES & ARD P&S Agreements – The BOS authorized the chairman to sign both revised P&S Agreements, John Harrington explained that once the P&S agreements were fully signed, there needed to be two public hearings for each property. ARD would be delayed because the church has 60 days to exercise its First Right of Refusal.
  • 2025 Paving Bids – Mr. Pelissier reviewed the bids he had received and said most were comparable. He recommended GMI at $215,315 which included the top coat on River Rd. He then mentioned the =need to buy bollard posts ($5,996 for 8) to keep four wheelers off the Rail Trail.
  • Police Department – Chief Stark announced his retirement as of May 31st. He would help the BOS find a suitable candidate. He also recommended using a minimal hiring process and suggested Lt. Beth Tower as a possible candidate.
  • Fire Department – Chief Lambert mentioned tow firefighter candidates and the BOS approved. He also explained that FireMed, a firefighter training business, that was looking for three classrooms. He hoped to negotiate a deal with the school district to use AES for that.
    A new ambulance is being built to replace #2.
    THe BOS approved a P.O. for $23,270 for a large commercial washer & drier for firefighter clothing like coats, hats, boots, pants, and gloves.
  • Committee approvals – The BOS signed long delayed authorizations for several EDC members.
  • New A/V equipment – New audio/visual equipment was to be ordered by the TA for the meeting room.
  • Voting – To be on March 12 at AES.
  • Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Jan. 20, 2025.
  • The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

BOS Meeting on Jan. 2, 2025

Agenda and related documents on town web site

  • Citizen's Comments – None
  • AES Discussion – The BOS and School Board discussed the sale of the AES building to the town. The pros and cons for the sale were discussed for about an hour. No action was taken so the meeting was adjourned.

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