Allenstown Alt.
Board of Selectmen 2024 Archive
Town Hall 16 School St. Allenstown, NH 603-485-4276
Check town web site for current business hours.
2024 Board of Selectmen
As of the March 10, 2020 election, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) consists of five residents who are elected to administer public affairs for the town. The board is the typical governing entity of small New England towns. The Selectmen do not have governing authority over the School Board or the Sewer Commission.
Selectmen are elected for a three-year term with terms of office staggered so that only one selectman's term expires each year.
Highlights of latest meeting
Select Board Members
At the March 2024 election, Kathleen Pelissier and Patricia Caruso were elected to the Board. May God bless them all with the wisdom to guide our town. Long-time Board member Sandy McKenney passed into Eternity Feb. 21, 2024.
The selectmen meet every other Monday at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, and sometimes less frequently if few issues need addressing.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- 2024 Meeting Agendas - Go to the town web's 2024 Agendas page. At that page, click on a link. The next page displays a list containing the agenda document and any other pertinent documents. Click on any link to open that document.
- 2024 Meeting Minutes - Go to the town web's 2024 Minutes page. Meeting minutes inform you as to how the selectmen handle town affairs. Minutes usually take up to several days to be typed, proofread, approved, and uploaded to the web site. Instead, read the meeting highlights below, which are much more timely and to the point. Read the official minutes to see how exciting or dull the actual meeting was.
The following acronyms are used:
AES - Allenstown Elementary School
ARD - Armand Dupont School
BOS - Board of Selectmen
CNHRPC - Central NH Regional Planning Commission
DOR - NH Dept. of Revenue
EDC - Economic Development Committee
FD - Fire Department
NH DOT - NH Dept. of Transportation
NHMA - NH Municipal Association
OAMH -Old Allenstown Meeting House
PD - Police Department
RSA - Revised Statutes Annotated (state laws)
TA - Town Administrator
Due to the somewhat poor acoustics of the meeting room, echoing, and occasional mumbling, some discussions were difficult to hear clearly. Check the official minutes to get more details.
If any details were incorrectly reported, please advise the web master (not the bear).
BOS Meeting Highlights
Meeting highlights began in July 25, 2016. Meeting highlights for last year are available via the Meeting Archive link at top right.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 30, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None?
- AES Discussion – The School Board could not get enough members to attend but several residents spoke in favor of taking over the old schools.
- Police Dept – Mike Stark announced a new hire - Alyssa Soucy. The BOS voted in favor of the hire.
- Highway Dept. – Road Agent Pelissier explained ther 2025 Highway budget. The administration part of the budget was $481,186, an increase over the 2024 budget of $449,150. The services and materials part of the budget was $297,900 compared to the actual spending of $467,815 for 2025.
- Warrant Articles – The current slate of zoning articles and town and sewer budgets were reviewed.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Dec. 16, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 16, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the festive Santa Parade and the successful lighting awards ceremony on Dec. 14.
- Allenstown Elementary School – Melaine Boisvert reported on the cost of maintaining the elementary school (AES). The annual cost was $17,092 with the SAU renting space for Pre-K classrooms and paying $30,000/yr.
Diane Adinolfo asked the BOS to convene a meeting with the school board and SAU officers to discuss what to do the AES. Ron Adinolfo agreed that such a meeting was necessary, and noted that there was a sizable capital reserve fund for any needed renovations. . Ms. Boisvert favored acquiring AES for town offices.
Selectman McDonald said he would hate to see the building go. (be sold). The BOS agreed to table a decision until after that wider meeting was held.
- Warrant articles – Selectman Pelissier suggested adding a warrant article to revert to budget voting at the Deliberative Session instead of at the general election (SB2). The TA would find information on the wording and send it tot he BOS for future approval. Also, since it was uncertain about the size of the unassigned fund balance (UFB), no funds would be taken to put in capital reserve funds.
- Sewer Budget – The BOS approved the $2,787,177 sewer dept. budget
- Fire Department – Capital Reserve Fund – Chief Lambert received approval to transfer $29,802 from the FD Capital Reserve Fund to the FD operating budget to pay for equipment and services needed to get the new Tower 2 truck into service.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Mr. Harrington gave the BOS copies of the 2025 yearly calendar and holiday schedule.
- The new multi-department employee is working out well.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Dec. 2, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 2, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Armand Verville discussed the need for display space for Historical Society artifacts. The Lofts at 25 Canal finally decided they could not provide the needed space and then there was supposed to be space available if the town took over AES. He also spoke of efforts to obtain a location for public voting. Jim Boisvert spoke about the issues with observing BOS meetings via the Zoom app. The TA would look into other possible methods.
- Decision on AES – The BOS was still seeking to find out the operating costs for AES before accepting the building. The school board had not yet provided any public information about the school. Those discussions seemed to be limited to non-public sessions.
- 2025 Warrant Articles – Drafts were given to the BOS and a few capital reserve fund articles were added. Open town offices were being compiled.
- Town Audits – Audits for 2022 and 2023 were still being worked on.
- Pay and Classification Study – The BOS reviewed the data that showed that several employees were below the average pay grade by a total of $21,960. They adopted the recommendations of the study and the needed pay adjustments.
- FD Expenses – The BOS authorized the transfer of $102,000 from the Emergency Services Fund to the FD budget for operating expenses.
- Road Agent's Report:
- The BOS signed a purchase order for the new Ford F-550 truck.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Nov. 18, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 18, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Crystal Roberts asked for information on how to join town boards and committees. The BOS offers some suggestions.
- AES Decision – Mr. Harrington had no updates so the BOS decided to table discussion until they got details about monthly expenses.
- New Highway Building Quotes – Road Agent Chad Pelissier reported that he would like to go with Constructs Inc of Plymouth, NH to build the new highway garage. The estimate was $362,800 which included $345,017 for the new building, and $17,800 for a 2-foot overhang on the front and back sides. $175,000 would come from Federal ARPA funds and the balance would come from the Capital Reserve Fund.
- Digital Sign Quotes – Chief Mike Stark reported a cost of $61,665 for the purchase of three new digital signs to be installed at three municipal buildings. About $11,000 not covered by Federal ARPA funds would come from the budget.
- 2025 Highway Paving RFP – Mr. Pelissier discussed the Requests for Proposal for several town roads that would need paving in 2025. He was waiting for quotes to be submitted.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- The TA interviewed several people for the multi-department position, made an offer to one of them, and was waiting for a reply..
- Pay increases were approved for a few firefighters.
- A contract was signed with Certified Computer Solutions for network protection software for $10,380.
- A contract was signed with Monadnock Environmental Services for the annual monitoring of the closed landfill for $4,200.
- A contract was signed with Gale Associates Inc, for on-call engineering services to the town.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Nov. 4 and Nov. 12, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 12, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None?
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- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for ???, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 29, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- Setting the Tax Rate – TA Harrington stated that the rate was based on the financial needs and the budgets that were approved at last March's election. Ms. Pelissier made a motion to approve the preliminary tax rate in the amount of $25.42 as sent by the DRA. The motion was approved.
For comparison,
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 21, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Adinolfo submitted a letter of intent to run for Town Treasurer.
- Sewer Dept. Updates – Superintendent Jeff Backman asked the BOS to sign a 10-year loan agreement for the Sewer Dept. updates. The BOS approved this.
- COLA Percentage for 2025 – Mr. Harrington proposed a 2.5% Cost of Living Adjustment and a 2% step increase for employees. The BOS decided to wait for the results of the salary study before acting.
- Highway Dept. Updates – The BOS authorized Mr. Pelissier to install a Dead End sign at Chester Tpke. They also approved the lease purchase of a 2024 Super-Duty plow truck from Grappone Ford outfitted with specific equipment for $116,452. They were trying to sell the 2007 truck on a site called Municibid.
- Fire Dept. Updates – After inspecting used fire trucks in Pennsylvania, the Fire Chief proposed the purchase of a low mileage, reconditioned, 2006 Pierce Mfg. 100 ft. Aerial Fire Truck from Fire Truck Center in Levittown, PA, for $295,000.00. The BOS authorized the chief to enter into a contract to purchase the truck with a $182,000 down payment from the ARPA funds.
- Building Inspector's Report – Mr. Arsenault had received a proposal for a new McDonald's Restaurant in place of Aubuchon's Hardware store. The property owner is 77 Turnpike Steet in Gilford, NH.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Mr. Harrington proposed filling a new multi-department position and changing Veronica Anaya to a Finance Administrator with a step increase so she could concentrate on financial matters. He also proposed a step increase for firefighter Austin Laduke. The BOS approved both proposals.
- Other Business: Ms. Higham was to research the cost of a conditional use permit so residents could use Bear Brook State Park without paying the daily fee. These permits are for towns that have NH state parks within them.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Oct, 7, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 7, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Adinolfo said he would be running for town treasurer.
- Review and discuss remaining ARPA funds – The ARPA balance was $407,337.87. The BOS approved a motion to withdrawal $407,337.87 with $175,000 to go toward the new Highway Dept. building construction, $182,000 toward purchase of a new Quint ladder truck, $25,000 for a new electronic sign at the Police Station, $25,000 for two smaller electronic signs at the old Allenstown Elementary School and at the Fire Station.
- Fire Department Rules Proposal – The BOS approved Chief Lambert's proposed Fire Department rules. They also approved the appointment of Nicholas Sanborn and Carter Cutrer as call firefighters.
- Allenstown Snow and Ice Policy – The BOS approved the Snow & Ice Control Policy.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- The TA presented the Budget Committee's meeting schedule.
- A Rail Trail Dedication was planned for Oct. 21 at 4:30 p.m.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Mr. Pelissier proposed the lease purchase of a new Highway Dept. vehicle.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Sept. 23, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 23, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported that Family Movie Night had 21 people sign up so far. The Vintage Base Ball Game on Sept. 22nd featured a local singer for the National Anthem. The Firefighters Association provided the food concession. Turnout was low due to a nearby ball game at Volunteers Park.
- Use of ARPA funds –
- Road Agent Chad Pelissier discussed the hill on Deerfield Rd. above Podunk Rd. Advanced Excavating provided an estimate of $354,000 for major repairs including pipes, culverts, gravel, excavating and paving. The road edges have been washed out several times in the past year due to heavy rain storms, requiring extensive repairs. He showed photos of several areas of damage. This problem affected about 171 homes in the area. The BOS wanted to apply for ARPA funds for this project. Ferry St. water drainage was also a lesser problem.
- The foundation for the new highway garage was being dug. A lot of debris from years ago was unearthed. An estimate was received for $370,000 for the foundation and building.
- Another need for the Highway Dept. was for a 2024 Ford F-550 with a gas engine. Londonderry Ford had the best price of $56,999. The cost of a truck bed, plow, and hydraulics would add $50,000. The BOS approved the expense.
- LED Town Sign: Chief Stark said this would be located downtown near the PD or Sully's. It would be used to announce town events. He was seeking estimates from vendors.
- FD apparatus: Fire Chief Lambert proposed expending $20,000 for life-saving equipment like cardiac monitors, defibrillators, and ventilators. These items must be replaced every several years.
- Ron Adinolfo offered much advice on the needs of the town due to its recent growth. He stressed the need to increase the capital reserve funds.
- Riverside Drive – It was determined that a homeowner was to be given a rebate for taxes on an adjacent private road that was not part of his property. The abatement was $2,950 but the homeowner never paid the taxes so no funds had to be disbursed.
- FD Update – The fire chief submitted rules for commercial fire alarm panels. He was also to apply for a grant for training grounds for emergency management. The BOS approved.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- A property on Hillside Drive off Deerfield Rd. had been tax-deeded but the coop fees had never been paid. A proposal was made to donate the property to the coop in exchange for the unpaid fees.
- Road Agent's Report:
- See preceding ARPA Funds discussion.
- Other business:
- Oaths of office for committee and board members were to be made ready at the next BOS meeting. Finally!
- Rail Trail Grand Opening - to be soon.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Sept. 9, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 9, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on Sunday's Concert with the R&B Dignity Band and Family Movie Night on Sept. 28. Mr. Pelissier mentioned that the Rail Tail was nearly complete. No date was set for a Grand Opening.
- Review and discuss remaining ARPA funds – TA John Harrington said the latest news is that the feds have loosened requirements to allow for any necessary projects. But the funds must be allocated to a contract before Dec. 31, 2024.
Fire Chief Lambert proposed purchasing a ladder truck and mentioned finding a few used ones that might be purchased with capital reserve funds and part of the FD budget.
Road Agent Pelissier discussed the frequent washouts during rainstorms on the hill on Deerfield Rd. near Woodridge Rd. and Clearview Dr. The repairs have been costly. He requested Advanced Paving to examine the road and provide a description of possible solutions.
Police Chief Stark said his property and equipment were in fairly good shape.
Old Schools: The TA said the school board was discussing these schools tonight and he hoped to get word from them soon.
- Pine Haven Boys Center – A request for a tax exemption was previously denied but is currently under re-consideration.
- Changes to Solid Waste Ordinance – The Planning Board was to delete the contents of chapter 20 from the Zoning Ordinance since it was superseded by Town Ordinance CO-215. The BOS approved some changes of their own. Chapter 20 would have a reference to the Town Ordinance.
- Riverside Drive Concerns – Resident Ed Fay discussed taxes which had been levied on a resident for the private road adjacent to their property. That was based on an old deed that indicated that the private road was part of the resident's property. Mr. Fay was upset about the town's previous decisions. Selectman Pelissier offered to locate the old deed and meeting minutes regarding this property. Selectman McDonald requested that Mr. Fay put his concerns in writing and submit them to the BOS for consideration.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Several events are upcoming: Sept. 13-14, Reach the Beach Relay Race, Deerfield Rd.; Sat. Sept. 21, Mammoth Hike at Bear Brook State Park; Sun. Sept. 22, Vintage Baseball Game, Pine Haven Boys Center; Sept. 28 Family Movie Night, Fire Station.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Mihachek Builders were never paid for installing the new roof on the new Highway Dept. Salt Shed. Mr. Pelissier asked if a check could be expedited.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for August 26, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Aug. 26, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Public Hearing – A hearing was held for the 2023 Federal Assistance to Firefighters Grant of $21,000.
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella mentioned the Old Home Day Parade story he was working on, the end of curbside recycling, the Sept. 8 concert, five pages of newspaper stories he wrote about Allenstown, and asked about Plourde Sand & Gravel.
- Solid Waste Ordinance – The BOS discussed the end of curbside recycling and concerns of several residents.
- Standard Power Agreement – The town belonged to a consortium of towns for getting a lower cost for electricity for residents. The BOS approved the agreement.
- Constellation Agreement – This regarded electric power purchased from Quebec Hydroelectric for municipal buildings. The BOS authorized teh chairman to sign the agreement.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- There was a question about a tax exemption.
- Plourde Sand & Gravel was out of bankruptcy court.
- Kettle Rock Rd. - researchers said there was no definitive finding on ownership of the road.
- AES - the school board was to make a determination and advise the town.
- A new finance system installed.
- A transcriber was hired and would start soon.
- 2025 budgets - The TA proposed a few dates for reviewing department budgets - Nov. 2 & 15. The proposed COLA was 2.5%.
- Fire Dept. Report:
- Reach the Beach on Sept. 14-15, a Mammoth March in the state park on Sept. 21.
- The ambulance was transporting many more clients. The new ambulance was still being built.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for June 26, July 1, July 15, July 29, and Aug. 12, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on June 17, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
The meeting was held at the Old Allenstown Meeting House on Deerfield Rd.
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella mentioned the concert on Sunday, the June 8th Bike Rodeo, and the June 8th town yard sale.
- Meeting House History – Armand Verville gave a brief history of the Old Meeting House.
- AES and ARD Acquisition – Keith Klawes asked the board about the acquisition of AES and ARD. Ron Adinolfo and Brian Arsenault are part of the building planning committee and they identified 15 "stakeholders." The next committee meeting would be Weds. June 19 at 10 a.m. at the Fire Station.
The TA reviewed several aspects of the renovation of AES. The town attorney (via Zoom) said AES might easily be transferred to the town. The Catholic Diocese might insist on limited use of ARD.
Jody Moore, school board chair, said the school district did not have funds to maintain the schools after June 30. They also were not willing to subdivide the ARD field from the building.
After many questions back and forth, the school board and BOS decided to work with the attorneys to come up with an agreeable purchase & sale agreement. Mr. McDonald made a motion stating that the town would pick up maintenance of ARD and AES. He also motioned to allow the town attorney to represent the town.
- PD Carpet Replacement – The chief received bids for new carpeting for the police station. The BOS approved a bid of $32,000.
- Sewer Dept. Loan application – The BOS gave Mr. McDonald authority to sign the application for the sewer clarifier loan.
- FD Report – The fire chief noted the ambulance repairs, the status of the new ambulance, and needed fire gear. This included $7,524 from the budget to repair the transmission on the original ambulance. A balance of $8,500 for the new ambulance was approved
- Tri-Town EMS Ambulance Wrap – The Tri-Town ambulance was to be vinyl wrapped to incorporate the Allenstown design. The BOS approved $12,500 for this.
- Fire Dept. Purchases – Sprinkler check valves needed to be replaced at the Fire Station. The BOS approved not more than $3,000 for that. Gear was needed for the new firefighters. The amount of the purchase ($36,591) was to come from the from the Fire Safety Capital Reserve Fund.
- Resignation of Finance Director – Sherry Miller has resigned.
- Resignation of Minute Taker – Joan Monaco resigned as one of the transcribers for meeting minutes.
- Search for new TA – The BOS approved use of MRI to find a replacement TA. An interim TA would be hired temporarily.
- Change of MV agent – The BOS approved Jackie Tate as the Municipal Automated Agent Program Agent (MAAP agent).
- Splashpad/ARPA Funds – This was on hold until the town acquires ARD.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Mr. Goodine had a contract for $23,7540 to redesign town parking lots to better handle storm water.
- Rail Trail - discussed signage for trail entrance. The sign credited Allenstown Aggregate and the Allenstown Highway Department for the materials and labor donated to this project.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Canal St. - work has been completed. Letendre Ave. would be next.
- Chester Tpurpike - Has been repaved from Granite St. south to the bars and gate. No, it's not to be used as a drag strip!
- Rail Trail - Need to finish mulching the tail edges. Railings need to be installed at the small bridges.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for April 30, May 20, June 3, June 7, June 10, And June 14, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on June 3, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Ron Adinolfo said the trust funds are doing well but they were planning to move trust funds to another plan. He also requested approval of a computer for trustee use at town hall.
Armand Verville mentioned the amazing visit to the Old Meeting House by a Model A Ford Club from Worcester, Mass. There will also be a Bake Sale at the Meeting House on Friday June 28.
Michael Frascinella mentioned the June 8 Bike Rodeo, the June 8 town yard sale, and the June 23rd concert. He also reminded everyone that June 6 was the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
- Sewer Commission – One applicant, John Childs, was appointed as Sewer Commissioner, with a term expiring on March 11, 2025.
- AES and ARD status – The town attorney needed to consult with the BOS to deal with various issues with ARD. There was a heated debate about how to perform the renovations for AES. Brian Arsenault suggested forming a building committee for which Ron Adinolfo volunteered. The BOS created the committee and aasked Mr. Arsenault and Mr. Adinofo to start planning. The committee was to report to the BOS the following month.
- BOS at OAMH – The BOS was to hold their annual meeting at the Meeting House on June 17.
- Auditors – The BOS approved several forms dealing with various taxes.
- Bids for Salary Study – Several bids were received for this study of job descriptions and wages. The BOS approved the bid from MRI for no more than $14,000.
- Mobile Home Removal – Only two bids were received so the BOS approved the lower bid of $14,000 from Defranzo Demolition.
- Process for New Town Administrator (TA) – The BOS agreed to hire MRI as a consultant to locate an Interim TA and a permannent TA.
- Ethics Policy – The BOS voted to adopt the minor changes made by the attorney.
- Employee Tracking – The BOS was still seeking employee data like time cards and keycard swipes for town buildings.
- NHMA Legal Use – The TA determined that they can get only general legal advice about state or municipal law from the NHMA.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- There is a new requirement for ADA compliance.
- Looking for content for the Rail Trail sign. Need to select a durable bench from BARCO Sales.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Chester Turnpike was paved from Granite St. to its south end near the Hooksett line.
- The final layer of stone dust was being applied to the Rail Trail.
- They have started mowing road edges.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for April 30 and May 20, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on May 20, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments The May 19 concert went well with about 50 people attending despite the cool cloudy weather.
- Reconsideration of Vote from Last Meeting – Tabled until there was a full board.
- Deerfield Inter-Municipal Agreement – Deerfield was in need of a part-time building inspector so Mr. Arsenault provided Deerield with a modified agreement that Allenstown had used with Pembroke. The BOS approved the agreement but needed to send it to the NH Secretary of State.
- Transportation Grant – The BOS agreed to apply for the 2024 Rural Community Innovation Transportation Planning Grant. This would help the town develop a transportation plan for the elderly and disabled and other needs.
- Sewer Commissioner Appointment – Jeff Backman was contacted by Aaron Furman and John Childs to fill the Sewer Commission vacancy. The BOS wished to invite them to the next meeting to learn about their qualifications.
- AES and ARD Acquisition – A meeting was scheduled with the church diocese office to discuss the transfer of ARD. Splitting off the ARD field might be doable. Ms. Pelissier and Ms. Caruso requested an assessment of the fair market value of the Pre-K classrooms that the school district wanted to lease. The school superintendent had suggested a lease fee of $30,000. Mr.Goodine was to meet with a commercial realtor and would get an estimate.
- Health Officers – Ron Eisenhart and Denise Debois resigned as Health Officers. THe BOS appointed Veronica Anaya as Interim Health Officer and Brian Arsenault as Interim Deputy Health Officer until permanent candidates were found. Chief Stark said he could fill in as Emergency Management Director for the short term.
- Fire Resignations and New Hires – Steven LaPorte has resigned as full-time firefighter but there are candidates in process.
- Police New Hire – The BOS approved the hiring of Taran Cullen as a police officer to be supervised by one of the sergeants.
- Emergency Services Revolving Fund Transfers – Chief Lambert said the town received about $21,000 from the EMT grant. This was to go into the Emergency Service Revolving Fund. He then asked for $15,668 to be moved from the revolving fund to the FD budget for several expenses that he mentioned. This was approved.
- Meeting at Old Allenstown Meeting House – On June 17 at 6:00 p.m.
- BOS Rep. for CNHRPC – Diane Adinolfo and Mike Juranty from the Planning Board offered to be Allenstgwn reps.
- Personnel Policy Changes – After discussing several issues with the policy, the BOS approved it as Revision 19.
- Resignation of TA – The BOS accepted Mr. Goodine's resignation effective as of July 8, 2024. They thanked him for his service to the town. Mr. Goodine recommended using consultants like MRI or Edward Collins Center. He also said he knew of three or four possible candidates. He would post a job ad ASAP and obtain costs for the consulting.
- Ethics Policy and BOS Rules of Procedure – There was much discussion about changes to various parts of the policy. They decided to let the town attorney review the changes.
The next topic was the Rules of Procedure. Some edits were needed to change references from a three member board to a five member board. There were a lot of differing opinions of the4 rules. Just before 9 p.m., Mr. McDonald stated he would no longer be chairman and left the meeting. After a bit more discussion the BOS approved the changed Rules of Procedure.
- HR Best Management Practices – Tabled.
- Houle Avenue – Tabled
- Kettle Rock Road Update – The TA hoped to have a recommendation for the next meeting.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Bids for the removal of the mobile home off Hillside Drive were due soon.
- He would bring options for the rail trail benches and signage. Several residents praised the work done on the trail.
- Paving on the south end of Chester Turnpike would happen soon. Canal St. would be done this week.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Mr. Pelissier said they were started to line the edges of the rail trail with bark mulch and would get as much done as possible this week.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for April 8, April 22, April 30, and May 6, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on May 6, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on numerous stories he had written about town events for the latest Hooksett Bridge newspaper. He asked if the BOS would consider creating a position with a small stipend for writing stories about the town.
Matt Conway was organizing a Beautify Allenstown event on Saturday May 18th from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. This would be a community cleanup event including mostly downtown roads. Equipment was to be provided. Mr. Goodine immediately made a donation.
- 2024 Offices – Scott McDonald elected Chairman, Maureen Higham elected Vice Chair. Selectmen were also chosen as committee reps.
- 2024 Tax Commitment – The BOS approved this document.
- Personnel Matters – A discussion was initiated by Selectman McDonald about the volume of mail between selectmen, especially those from Selectman Caruso. Selectman Pelissier reviewed several items of interest to her: reviewing employee job descriptions, identifying whether employees work the hours required, making sure employees provide the services that residents are paying for, and ensuring that employees work efficiently.
There seemed to be an undercurrent of micromanagement and distrust. The Fire Chief criticized the attitude of mistrust of department managers that some selectmen were implying. He felt that would not be taken well by employees. Selectman Caruso seemed suspicious of overtime charges for the Highway, Police, and Fire Departments.
Selectmen McDonald emphasized that it's an employee's market out there and the town must avoid actions that drive employees away.
Selectman Pelissier made a motion to give selectmen access to employee timecards and security card swipes. This passed by a vote of 3-2.
- Ethics Policy – Selectman Higham proposed doing a full review of sample policies at the next meeting. Agreed.
- Tri-Town Assets – On July 1st the Chief Lambert was to review and approve the division of assets between the two towns. Cash assets were to go into a revolving fund for future ambulance needs.
- Ambulance – Vendors had been unable to find a chassis. Recently a compete Ford chassis was found. I was to be shipped to the vendor that would build the complete ambulance. Delivery was now late 2024.
- Personnel Policy Changes – Chief Lambert offered some changes for Fire Dept. personnel which might apply to other departments. To be approved at the next meeting.
- PSNH Abatement – This regarded the appeal by PSNH (AKA Eversource) for utility pole assessments. Jim Roger volunteered to attend this meeting.
- ARD & AES Updates – The BOS discussed the use of AES for Pre-K classes. The TA said the gym probably would not be available until the end of the year. St. John's Church had not yet relinquished their Right of First Refusal for ARD. The building could not be sold otherwise. The BOS approved contacting the diocese to discuss the disposition of ARD.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for April 8, April 22, and April 30, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on April 22, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Non-Public Session – To the annoyance of officials and residents in attendance, the BOS left the room for a non-public meeting, leaving us idle for about 45 minutes.
- Citizen's Comments – Mr. Frascinella spoke of the EDC concerts on May 19th and June 23rd. He also mentioned a story he is writing about the Rail Trail, with much help from Road Agent Pelissier.
- Chairman & Vice Chairman positions – Postponed
- BOS Training – This was to be given by town counsel. A possible date was next Monday or Tuesday.
- Space for Historical Society – The BOS approved a resolution granting space for the Society at the Elementary School (AES).
- Houle Ave. – no news
- Fire Dept. – The Chief proposed several people as new hires: four full-time and 3 per diem. The BOS approved this.
- Ambulance Update – The department was trying to obtain a second vehicle. The first problem was to find a suitable chassis on which to build the body. Funding was available in the Capital Reserve Fund.
- Town Web Site – CivicPlus was to be transitioning to the Drupal 10 Code Management System by late 2024. Mr. Frascinella mentioned that our site needed a better organized main menu and fewer little icons. Ms. Pelissier emphasized the need to clean up the clutter on the home page.
- Salary Survey – The TA proposed a document built from other towns. The BOS approved putting the survey out for bids.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Pre-K meeting with school officials to be April 30.
- Employee/Volunteer Appreciation Party was to be on April 27 from 6-8 p.m. at the Epsom American Legion Hall.
- Kettle Rock Rd. - No update.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Still cleaning up storm damage.
- Working on Letendre Ave.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for February 26, March 11, and April 8, 2024.
- The meeting then went into another non-public session.
BOS Meeting on April 8, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Two residents were upset that Chief Stark had told them they were prohibited from the park at Iris Pond. The chief asked that this be discussed at a non-public session.
Mr. Frascinella mentioned the May 19 concert and that he was writing news stories about town for the May issue of the Hooksett Bridge.
- Historical Society Request – Mr. Verville asked for use of three rooms at AES for storing and displaying town artifacts. They also did not have funds to pay rental fees. Selectman McDonald read a resolution to offer use of three rooms at no charge. The resolution needed a statement about liability insurance so a vote was postponed.
- Fire Station Alarm System – Chief Lambert asked to use $11,641 from a Capital Reserve Fund to repair the wiring for the alarm system. The BOS approved this.
- Municipal Work Zone – The NH DOT was to repave Route 3 from Hooksett to Dearborn Rd. in Pembroke. The BOS approved the agreement.
- MTS Accounting Software – Sherry Miller, Finance Director, investigated several vendors and recommended the MTS System for $35,500 installed. Annual maintenance support would cost about $7800/yr. Other vendors were of a higher cost. The BOS approved this.
- Town web site – Resident have complained about difficulty using the site. It was mentioned that Hooksett recently switched from CivicPlus to a new web hosting service called revize.com. The BOS asked the TA if CivicPlus could help our web site look more usable and better organized like Pembroke's or Wolfeboro's.
- Manifest Descriptions – The BOS requested that the Finance Dept. include a description on invoices to explain what they were for.
- Town Hall Hours – There was still a problem for residents to access town hall. There was much criticism back and forth between selectmen But no solution.
- Audits – To be done in May by MRI.
- MS232 Report – BOS needed to sign a form for the NH Dept. of Revenue.
- Pre-K at AES – TA to set up a meeting with school leaders about use of classrooms at AES.
- Library Event – Event at town hall was canceled.
- Employee Party – To be on Apr. 27 at 6:00 p.m. at the Epsom American Legion Hall on Short Falls Rd.
- Houle Ave. – The attorney needed more information since the major problem is poor drainage at the cul-de-sac.
- Kettle Rock Rd. – tabled
- Ethics Policy – The TA gave the BOS information to review for the next meeting.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- The town systems were hit by a spam attack recently but no information was compromised.
- Road Agent's Report:
- The last snow storm caused much damage but all town roads were now open.
- Water was accumulating at the new school at the bottom of each driveway. Culverts were needed. The BOS would bill the school district for that.
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Feb. 26, Mar. 11, and Mar. 25, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Mar. 25, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Non-Public Session – The BOS left to hold a non-public session from 6:00 to 6:25! How boring!
- Chair and Vice Chair positions – Postponed since Mr. McDonald was out sick.
- Citizen's Comments Diane Adinolfo gave a planning board update on NH SN 538 to allow conversion of office space to residential space. They also need a BOS rep to replace Sandy McKenney.
Michael Frascinella mentioned the tribute he wrote about Sandy. He listed three new businesses and the updated Business Directory. He also stressed the need to get more residents to use the town web site.
- Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector The BOS appointed Matthew LaFlamme as Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.
- Fire Dept. Topics The chief mentioned that four people are being considered. Work on the second floor of the fire station has been finished.
Second Ambulance – This was scheduled for June 2025 but vendors were facing a shortage of ambulance chassis. Vehicle price was yet to be determined and delivery could be delayed until Sept. 2025.
- AES School The TA asked the BOS for permission to identify initial renovations. Mr. Frascinella asked that the EDC be kept informed as to when the gym would be available for public events.
- Ethics Policy The BOS discussed this policy . Selectmen Caruso and Pelissier had issues with some policy statements. The TA was asked to search for a state policy and see if that was suficcient.
- Suncook Fishing Derby The BOS approved a $100 donation for this May 19 and May 26 event.
- Town Appreciation Day Tabled
- Houle Ave. Tabled
- Kettle Rock Rd. Tabled
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Salary Review - The BOS discussed a possible Request for Proposal (RFP) for job salary grades. TA to investigate this.
- Access to Town Services - Residents have expressed frustration with access to town hall services. Town Clerk Jackie Tate described various difficult aspects of the job.
- Road Agent's Report:
- A tractor trailer knocked down a few utility poles and signs on Webster St. but most were back in place.
- Erosion has been a problem on Notre Dame Ave. New curbing is TBD.
- A new hire had quit so they need to replace that worker.
- The Road Agent wanted to purchase a "rock truck" which has a special bed that lets soil fall through.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Feb 26 and Mar. 11, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Mar. 11, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- Fire Dept. new hires and other items Chief Lambert had a few possible hires and other topics but postponed them until after the election and a new board was in place.
- Employee & Volunteer Appreciation Party Chirman Klawes said teh only place they could find was the Epsom American Legion Post 112 on Short Falls Rd. THe tentative date is April 13. This would be a short distance off Route 28.
- Storage Shed The trusses for the new salt shed were on site. Mihachik Builders of Epsom came in with the best bid of $17,664.00 to construct the shed, so the BOS approved them as the contractor.
- Mobile Home Removal A mobile home (possibly tax deeded to the town) on Hillside Drive off Deerfield Rd. was demolished by a huge fallen pine tree. The BOS authorized the TA to file an insurance claim to have it removed.
- Audit Engagement The chairman signed the audit agreement.
- Houle Ave. Still stuck at law office.
- Kettle Rock Rd. Still stuck at law office.
- Town Election Tuesday March 12 at St. John's Parish Hall.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- The BOS visited the new school and discussed a problem with the new paved sidewalk where it merged with River Rd.
- The wake for Sandy McKenney would be Sunday March 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Roan Funeral Home, Pembroke. A Memorial Service would be on Monday March 18 at 11:00 a.m. at the Veterans' Cemetery in Boscawen.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for January 8, January 22, and Feb. 26, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 26, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella announced the latest edition of the Hooksett Bridge newspaper which had over three pages of Allenstown news that he had submitted. The first EDC event would be a concert on May 19. Ha also suggested that the BOS invite officials and others to write of their memories of Sandy McKenney, all of which could be put into an online tribute. Chairman Klawes said the BOS need to discuss this before going any further.
- Meet the Candidates Night Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center.
- Flag Pole Update The Highway Dept. installed new hardware and raised the flags this day.
- Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Party Date and Location still TBD.
- Houle Avenue Tabled at Legal Office. Resident Timothy Sylvernale read several old documents that he thought might be related to ownership of the road.
- Kettle Rock Road Discussion Tabled at Legal Office
- Reminder of Town Election March 12, 2024 at St. John the Baptist Parish Hall
- Town Administrator's Report:
- A new clerk was getting trained.
- Absentee ballots were online.
- All town budgets were online.
- The BOS was invited to the school board meeting on March 11 so the BOS meeting would not start until 6:30 p.m.
- The BOS approved a P.O. for new computers for police cars.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Roads were to be posted for a 6 ton limit due to the Spring thaw.
- Several vendors were contacted for bids for building a new salt shed but only a few quotes had been received.
- Road paving: have received several bids. The BOS approved the bid from Advanced Excavating.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Dec. 18, 2023, Jan. 8, 2024, Jan. 22, 2024, and Feb. 5, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 5, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- Town Clerk Update Selectman Klawes stated that the town clerk has minimal duties and by separating the town clerk/tax collector positions and making the tax collector an appointment, the selectmen could more easily hire a new tax collector if needed. He noted that Christine Solans had resigned wihin a month after being appointed. Jackie Tate then applied for the position and was appointed in late January.
- Town Deliberative Session The BOS reviewed the revised (watered down) Article 12 on separating the town clerk/tax collector positions and voted to not recommend it.
- Town Appreciation Party Still working on this.
- Meet the Candidates Still working on this
- Fire Department Intern The fire chief has a candidate from Laconia who would work at the station weekdays and go home on weekends.
- Fire Act Grant The fire chief was to apply for grants for equipment like a ventilator, defibrillator, and a monitor. The BOS authorized the chief to apply for the grants.
- Town Election To be on March 12th at St. John's Parish Hall.
- Road Agent Report The town hall flag pole was finally renovated and installed. Some hardware was on order.
- Rail Trail Hooksett wanted a grand opening on May 16th for their trail. Mr. Pelissier said they have laid down a base layer on our part of the trail and hoped to complete it by the end of April.
- TA Report Currently Hooksett agreed to accept vehicle registrations on Wednesday only until the end of March.
- Meeting Minutes Minutes were approved for December 18, 2023, January 8, 2024, and January 27, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session at 6:55 p.m. [This was a very short BOS meeting!]
BOS Meeting on Jan. 22, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Scott McDonald stepped down as Chairman and Keith Klawes took over that position.
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella urged the BOS to produce a one-page memo explaining why it was criticl to vote Yes on the proposed town budget. Chief Lambert offered to provide details about the new Fire-Based Ambulance Service. Ron Adinolfo urged the BOS send a memo to all residents by U.S. mail. Derik was to lok into the mailing costs.
- Town Clerk Appointments Christine Solans was appointed and was to start on Jan. 25, with a term ending on March 12, unless elected. The BOS appointed Veronica Anaya and Sheri Miller as interim clerks.
- Resignation of Asst. Town Clerk Ron Adinolfo resigned as Assistant Town Clerk.
- Clerk's Office hours TBD. Hooksett was to help with vehicle registrations on Wednesdays only.
- NH Highway Grant The BOS accepted a grant of $12,816 for mobile terminals for police cruisers.
- NIMS Resolution The BOS adopted the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS).
- Town Meeting Warrant Approved. Article 12 would make the Tax Collector an appointed position who did not have to be a resident.
- Special BOS Meeting This would be for signing the town warrant articles.
- Forestry Grant Chief Lambert spoke of the $3801.00 grant for forestry equipment. The BOS accepted the grant for the stated purposes.
- EMS Grant The Fire Chief spoke about a state grant for EMS training.
- Plow Truck Driver The Highway Dept. hired Jacob Jutras as a new driver, starting on Jan. 29.
- Town Report To be discussed in the non-public session.
- Town Appreciation Day Location and date still TBD.
- Houle Ave. Still stuck at law office.
- Flag Pole It has been sanded and primed and should be ready to be installed soon.
- Kettle Rock Rd. Still stuck at law office.
- Presidential Primary Election January 23 at St. John's Parish Hall.
- Deliberative Smackdown On Feb. 3 at the AES gym at 9:00 a.m.
- Candidate Signup Candidates for office can sign up from Jan. 24th to Feb. 2nd at town hall.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Mentioned several minor items.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Recent snow storms have used up a lot of plowing hours and materials, especially on Mt. Delight Rd.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Dec. 18, 2023 and Jan. 8, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Jan. 8, 2024
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None?
- Town Clerk Resignation –
- Chair and Vice Chair –
- Acceptance of One-Time NHDOT Bridge Funds –
- Approval of Sewer Bond Article –
- New Hire - Police Dept. –
- CNHRPC Letter of Agreement –
- Other Resignations and Hires –
- Town Meeting Related Issues –
- Houle Avenue – Tabled
- Flag Pole Update –
- Kettle Rock Rd. – Tabled
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes – The BOS approved the meeting minutes for ???, 2024.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.