Allenstown Alt.
Board of Selectmen 2023 Archive
Town Hall 16 School St. Allenstown, NH 603-485-4276
Check town web site for current business hours.
2023 Board of Selectmen
As of the March 10, 2020 election, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) consists of five residents who are elected to administer public affairs for the town. The board is the typical governing entity of small New England towns. The Selectmen do not have governing authority over the School Board or the Sewer Commission.
Selectmen are elected for a three-year term with terms of office staggered so that only one selectman's term expires each year.
Highlights of latest meeting
Select Board Members
The Board of Selectmen now consists of five members. May God bless them all with the wisdom to guide our town. At the March 2023 election, Scott McDonald was re-elected.
The selectmen meet every other Monday at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, and sometimes less frequently if few issues need addressing.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- 2023 Meeting Agendas - Go to the town web's 2023 Agendas page. At that page, click on a link. The next page displays a list containing the agenda document and any other pertinent documents. Click on any link to open that document.
- 2023 Meeting Minutes - Go to the town web's 2023 Minutes page. Meeting minutes inform you as to how the selectmen handle town affairs. Minutes usually take up to several days to be typed, proofread, approved, and uploaded to the web site. Instead, read the meeting highlights below, which are much more timely and to the point. Read the official minutes to see how exciting or dull the actual meeting was.
The following acronyms are used:
BOS - Board of Selectmen
CNHRPC - Central NH Regional Planning Commission
DOR - NH Dept. of Revenue
EDC - Economic Development Committee
FD - Fire Department
NH DOT - NH Dept. of Transportation
NHMA - NH Municipal Association
OAMH -Old Allenstown Meeting House
PD - Police Department
RSA - Revised Statutes Annotated (state laws)
TA - Town Administrator
Due to the somewhat poor acoustics of the meeting room, echoing, and occasional mumbling, some discussions were difficult to hear clearly. Check the official minutes to get more details.
If any details were incorrectly reported, please advise the web master (not the bear).
BOS Meeting Highlights
Meeting highlights began in July 25, 2016. Meeting highlights for last year are available via the Meeting Archive link at top right.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 4, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizens Comments – Michael Frascinella (EDC) reported on the Christmas Light Contest with six homes registered so far. The route 28 Bridge was finally opened in both directions. The EDC was taking over the Town Business Directory.
- Boat Launch Ordinance – Mr. Frascinella, Ms. Lemire, and other members of the EDC spoke about its benefits. The road agent recommended creating one new sticker for both the boat launch and the town transfer station. Selectmen Klawes was in favor of escalating the fines in the ordinance. Police Chief Stark agreed that higher fines were needed to change behavior. The address for the boat launch needed to be added. A revised version was to be presented at the next BOS meeting.
- Town Clerk/Tax Collector Update – Diane Adinolfo requested temporary help for the short-term. Former Town Clerk Kathleen Pelisser was to be contacted for help. The BOS approved.
- ARD School Deed – The town needed an indemnification agreement from the Catholic Church to give the ARD property to the town. The deed now gave them first chance to buy the property. The selectment approved 2-1 a proposal from the school district.
- Police Detail – The BOS approved a contract with a vendor to manage police details at construction sites.
- Town Flag Pole – The TA got three estimates of over $3,000 for a new fiberglas pole. This was deemed too expensive so Selectment Klawes suggested paying the Highway Department to sandblast and renovate the flag pole.
- BOS and Budget Committee – They are to review the school budget on December 9th.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- He reported on a clogged drain at the community center. The sewer dept. was to examine the drain to determine the repairs needed.
- Road Agent's Report:
- He requested a transfer station fund for recycling expenses. The BOS approved a motion to have the TA create a warrant article for a transfer station revolving account.
- CDL Grant – There were grants for CDL training but the only school was up north near North Conway, NH.
- An employee, Justin Lacerte, resigned so a new hire was needed.
- Rail Trail – The Highway Department was working on it.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for November 6 and November 30, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 20, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments A resident, Brenda Brown, asked what happened to the flag pole. After some discussion, the BOS motioned to purchase a new one not to exceed $1,000.
- Town Clerk Update Town Clerks/Tax Collectors Brittney Littlefield and Diane Adinolfo asked if Kathleen Pelissier could be hired for a few hours per week to help them get through the January Primary and March Town Elections. The BOS had a lot of questions and asked them to come back with more information.
- Acceptance of Police Officer Resignation The BOS accepted the resignation of Officer Lucas Beteau.
- CDL Grant for Highway Dept. Tabled until the next meeting.
- BOS and Budget Committee Meeting This budget meeting was to be on December 9th to examine the remaining town budgets.
- New Location for Deliberative Session This would be held at ARD.
- Fire Department The new hire was to be Laurel Lambert, the chief's wife, in a support staff position. The BOS approved the hire and waived the restriction on hiring family members by requiring her to be supervised by Deputy Paquette.
- Mutual Aid Appropriation for AFD The BOS authorized Mr. Goodine to sign the appropriation request.
- ARD School Deed Provisions Legal counsel advised that the ARD deed gave the church the right of first refusal for the property. The BOS was advised to ask the SAU superintendent to change the school warrant article for ARD from selling it to the town for one dollar to giving it to the town as a gift.
- Sewer Department Warrant Article There was to be a warrant article for the bond for new clarifier tanks.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Mr. Goodine was to confer with Mr. Verville about the flag pole.
- Comcast was increasing its fees as of Dec. 20, 2023.
- At the next meeting there would be discussion of a highway block grant.
- The BOS approved payroll adjustments for the Town Clerks/Tax Collectors
- Road Agent's Report:
- Utility poles and cross ties were received for the new salt shed.
- The BOS approved a motion for no more than $6,738 for trusses. The road agent was waiting for a third bid before selecting a vendor.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Nov. 6, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 6, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Town Clerk/Tax Collector update Diane Adinolfo presented a slideshow that reviewed recent happenings since the new clerks were appointed and trained over the past several weeks. She estimated that they still needed more on the job training. One critical need is training for voting and elections. At Ms. Adinolfo's recommendation, the BOS swapped their positions and appointed Brittney Littlefield as Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Diane Adinolfo as Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector. THese positions run until the March 2024 election.
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella displayed the latest Hooksett Bridge newspaper which contained four pages of Allenstown news. He reported on the Halloween Lighting Contest, Halloween night activities at the gazebo, and plans for the Christmas Lighting Contest.
- Sewer Dept. Upgrades Mike Trainque said the Sewer Dept. was seeking ARPA grants to pay for installing new clarifier tanks to replace the 50 year old tanks. The BOS approved this.
- Sewer Bond A warrant article requested voter approval for an $11.5 million dollar bond for new clarifier tanks. The bond would be paid by user fees and septage hauler fees. Pembroke would pay their share of the bond. The BOS approved a hearing for the warrant article.
- Trust Funds Ron Adinolfo of the Trustees of Trust Funds Committee said they had seen losses with the current investments and were transferring funds to a new investment fund, The New Hampshire Public Deposit Investment Pool (NH PDIP), which has been used by many towns, cities, counties, school districts, and other public entities. The forecast was for a 5% interest rate.
- Private Trust Funds Mike O'Meara stated that several perpetual funds were for people buried in Catholic cemeteries and thus were not legally accessible to the town. They recommended transferring those perpetual funds to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Manchester. THe BOS accepted the non-judicial settlement agreement for these funds.
- Police Cruiser Chief Mike Stark requested a lease for a 2023 Dodge 1500 Ram pickup truck for about $46,000. The BOS approved and authorized the Chief Stark to execute the sales agreement.
- Meeting Dates THe TA proposed several meeting dates for December 2023 through February 2024.
- Fire Dept. New Hire The BOS approved the appointment of Matthew Sian to the fire department pending completion of his physical.
- Tri-Town EMS Dissolution Agreement Chief Eric Lambert discussed changes to the agreement, which the BOS approved.
- Supervisor of Checklist The appointment of Melaine Boisvert was approved.
- 2023 Municipal Assessment Data Certificate This was approved and signed by the BOS.
- Final 2023 Tax Rate The final 2023 tax rate of $21.20 was approved. This was an increase from the previous rate of $19.50.
- Budget Meeting The BOS and the Budget Committee would review budgets on Nov. 18.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- The assessors were asking for mediation on a property.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Some paving projects were to be encumbered to 2024 due to a work backlog with paving vendors.
- A new shed was being planned for storing road salt.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for SEpt. 25 and Oct. 16, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 16, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Prior to the meeting the BOS went on a private tour of the new school on River Rd.
- Citizen's Comments Several residents from Bear View Crossing strongly voiced their opposition to the higher property taxes they were paying. The state mandated revaluation, performed every five years, was intended to correct the currently below market values. This increase in property values for the whole town resulted in a lower property tax rate, but businesses, single family homes, and mobile homes increased in value by widely different amounts. Mobile homeowners apparently saw their home values greatly increase, resulting in sizeable increases in property taxes.
- Fire Dept. Stork Award
- Fire Dept. New Hires
- Fire Dept. Training Proposals
- Dissolution Plan for Tri-Town EMS
- Highway Traffic Safety Grant
- Budget Reminder
- County Tax Assessment
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Sept. 25, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 25, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the upcoming Movie Night on Sept. 30th. He also mentioned the Historical Society's Old Time Baseball Game on Oct. 22 and the Hillsbrook Village Grand Opening on Oct. 26th.
- Houle Ave. The TA reviewed several old meeting records w/r/t the cul-de-sac problem. The TA showed a drawing from 1989 showing a proposed cul-de-sac to the condos but the town never accepted it. Based on this research, the TA determined that the cul-de-sac was not a town road. The Road Agent suggested getting an easement from the homeowners to create a drainage ditch around the cul-de-sac.
The BOS instructed the TA to draft a drainage easement and get a legal cost estimate. Selectman Higham said attorney's fees could be as high as $500/hr. If the estimate was easonable, then he should get the homeowners approval. The road agent said his department could do the work in a few hours.
- Budget Update The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 3.7%. The BOS acknowledged that town pay rates were not as competitive as surrounding towns. Mr. Klawes did not like the ide of using the federal CPI as a gauge. Ms. McKenney proposed a 6% increase (on top of the 2% step increase). The vote was 3 Yes and 2 No. The motion passed.
Remember that vote, you voters on fixed incomes. On October 12th, Social Security announced only a 3.2 percent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to retiree benefits for 2024.
- Eversource Contract This contract is for legal representation for potential tax appeals to Eversource for 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021. The BOS authorized the TA to sign the contract with DTC Laywers and Sansourcy Associates.
- Transition Plan The Town Clerk/Tax Collector was to be fully open next week. The new Town Clerks/Tax Collectors should be fully trained.
- Dissolution Plan for Tri-Town EMS Further discussion was needed for handling financial assets.
- Family Movie Night Selectman Keith Klawes had purchased all the food and supplies needed. Road Agent Chad Pelissier was to lend his popcorn machine. Firefighters have tested the movie projection system.
- Community Power Project Electric prices have dropped below the price that the Community Power group could offer so no further action was planned untill Spring 2024.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- The TA reviewed several topics.
- The town flag pole was to be renovated.
- Picnic tables for the boat launch arrived and were assembled at the Highway Dept.
- Road Agent's Report:
- The Highway Dept. put a base coat on Ridge Road and Canal St. and finished the last culvert on Deerfield Rd.
- They plan to evaluate a machine to make asphalt curbing. Vendors were now charging around $14/ft. for curbing.
- They planned to start work on the rail trail to Hooksett.
- The first bid for road salt was 20 cents lower than last year.
- Meeting Minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for August 21 and Sept. 11, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 11, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the Sept. 10 EDC concert which was cancelled due to rain. He noted that the Fire Dept. would be providing food service at Catamount Pond for the Reach the Beach Relay Race on Sept. 15. The EDC was also collaborating with the Fire Dept. on a Family Movie Night at the Fire Station on Sept. 30th.
- Trust Funds Mr. Adinolfo reported on changes and improvements for town funds to ensure a better return on the town's investments.
- Public hearing Fire Chief Lambert reported on a donation of building materials for renovations for the second floor of the station. The donation was from New England Gypsum totaling $9,121.00.
- Houle Avenue The end of the road was private so the town was not responsible for maintaining it but has used the cul-de-sac for plow trucks to turn around. Due to its deterioration, it might no longer be usable by plow trucks. Road Agent Pelissier said that if the Highway Dept. filled the potholes with gravel, they might be washed out in a few weeks due to poor drainage. One option would be for plow trucks to plow Houle Ave. and then back up to Ferry St.
Selectman McDonald told Houle Ave. resident Mrs. Foss that the BOS needed time to study the situation. The road agent said he had an amount of reclaimed asphalt that he could apply as filler. The BOS approved a motion to allow the Highway Dept. to temporarily fix the cul-de-sac so that plow trucks could use it to turn around.
- Police Detail Rate Chief Stark asked for an increase in the rate they charge businesses that hire police details for traffic control. The BOS approved the new rate of $85/hr.
- Town Clerk/Tax Collector Transition Town Hall would be open more hours. Town Clerk Brittany Bolstridge was taking training at the DMV. Town Clerk Diane Adinolfo would take DMV training the following week. The plan was to be open Monday to Thursday October.
- Dissolution of Tri-Town EMS The TA stated that several details still needed to be determined.
- Full-time equivalent benefits The issue seemed to be about elected officials being eligible for benefits.
- Gift to Fire Dept. The BOS voted to accept the generous donation of sheet rock from New England Gypsum.
- Fire Dept. Equipment Numerous pieces of fire hose needed to be replaced after failing recent testing. The BOS approved $8,700 for hoses and other equipment to come from the Fire Dept. Capital Reserve Fund. Also $2,500 was approved for a new stretcher for the ambulance.
- Fire Dept. Renovations Chief Lambert said the donated sheet rock, electrical wiring, and other tasks needed to be done. The BOS approved $9,615. They also approved $9,053 for flooring on the second floor and $8400 for installing the sheet rock, all coming from the Public Safety Capital Reserve Fund.
- Second Ambulance Chief Lambert requested approval to purchase a second ambulance since the current one was 14 years old with 124,000 miles on it. Future payments on the new ambulance would come from insurance reimbursements.
- Kettle Rock Road The TA reported the latest status of the investigation.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- A recent state survey showed that the biggest demand was for more affordable housing and changes to town zoning regulations.
- Road Agent's Report:
- None
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for August 21, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Aug. 21, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the August 13 concert which experienced about 20 minutes of rain at mid-concert but was otherwise successful with about 50 attendees. The next concert was scheduled for Sept. 10th.
- Plans for Town Clerk/Tax Collector The TA said that residents could register a vehicle in Bow on Tuesdays and in Hooksett on Wednesdays. Diane Adinolfo and Brittany Bolstridge were still in training.
- Appointments Judy Silva was re-appointed as Asst. Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Erika Anthony was approved as a contract Asst. Town Clerk/Tax Collector.
- Tax Commitments The BOS approved a notice from the state regarding taxes.
- Pelissier Boat Launch The TA displayed photos of a heavy duty 8-ft. walk-thru picnic table and also fire grills. The cost for two tables and two charcoal grills would be $4735.00 including shipping. The BOS was reluctant about the grills because there was the problem of who would clean and remove the charcoal ashes after each use. The BOS did agree to approve three picnic tables but no grills. Residents could bring their own grills. The TA would obtain a new quote for the estimated cost. The funds were to come from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund.
- EMS Training Grant The fire chief spoke about fire fighters who were signed up for training.
- Forestry Grant The BOS gave the fire chief permission to apply for a Volunteer Forestry Assistance Grant.
- Emergency Services Fund The fire chief sought reimbursement for various equipment expenses. The BOS approved a $15,419 transfer to the Fire Dept. budget.
- Kettle Rock Rd. The TA paid for much documentation about the origins of the road. Evidence might show that it was a town road after all.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Community Center - Building drain pipes needed cleaning. Also, rain water in the upper lot needed to be diverted away from the building.
- Road Agent's Report:
- no news
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the non-public meeting minutes for July 24, July 28, Aug. 2, and Aug. 7, 2023 and public meeting minutes for Aug. 7, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Aug. 7, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the upcoming BoneShakerz Concert & Cruise Night. He also informed the BOS about the new quarterly newspaper, The Hooksett Bridge, a 24-page issue which contained four pages of news about Allenstown, much of which he contributed.
Mr. Adinolfo spoke about making improvements to the way that town funds are invested, so as to protect the town's assets.
- New Town Clerk & Tax Collector Diane Adinolfo was appointed temporary Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Judy Silva was re-appointed as Deputy Town Clerk/Deputy Tax Collector. The TA was to request an Intermunicipal Agreement with several other towns to supply part-time services, specifically Bow and Hooksett.
Brittany Bolstridge, a resident of Bear View Crossing, offered to start as Town Clerk/Tax Collector as of August 20, 2023. The BOS approved her appointment.
- MRI contract This was for as needed help with financial services. The BOS approved a contract at $110.00/hr.
- Kettle Rock Rd. No news.
- Community Power This is still in progress but electric utilities have recently lowered their rates. NH Electric Coop for example was now at 11.4 cents/KWH. Last August they went from 9.62 cents/KWH to 16.98 cents/KWH.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- New credit card - The BOS approved a new municipal credit card account.
- Training for town clerk - Training on Interware was needed for processing online payments. BOS Approved.
- Road Agent's Report:
- Canal St. - Pipe work being done.
- Deerfield Rd. - Repairs to be done near Clearview Drive.
- Mowing was ongoing around town.
- Community Center rain water - Curbing was needed in the upper parking lot to divert rain water way from the building.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for July 24, July 28, and Aug. 2, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on July 24, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None?
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for ???, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on July 10, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None?
- Laborer/Plow Driver
- School Resource Officer
- Committee Updates
- Deputy Clerk/Admin. Assistant
- Update of Personnel Policy The BOS signed the updated policy.
- Old Home Day Pembroke & Allenstown Old Home Day would be held on Saturdau August 26 starting with a parade at 10 a.m.
- Approval of Fire Dept. EMS grant
- Kettle Rock Rd. postponed till next meeting.
- Community Power update
- Emergency Operations Plan Hearing postponed till next meeting.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for June 19, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on June 19, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None?
- Fire Department Chief Lambert had several items to discuss.
-Inspector Salary Discussion
-Approval of Fire Students for EMS Grant
-Approval of New Hires
- Planning Board topics Chair Diane Adinolfo discussed several topics.
-Rules of Procedure
-Proposed Short Term Rental Ordinance
-Rules of Procedure for other Boards
- Deputy Clerk/Admin Assistant Positionn
- Juneteenth Holiday Discussion
- Various Capital Reserve Fund Authorizations
- Library Employees' Deferred Compensation
- Boys and Girls Club Update
- Kettle Rock Road Update Moved to the next meeting
- Community Power Update
- Audit Questionnaires
- Resource Officer Grant Topic to bhe discussed in July
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Road Agent's Report:
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for June 5, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on June 5, 2023
This was the annual meeting held at the Old Allenstown Meeting House.
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the upcoming June 25th concert. He also mentioned two new businesses in town: Andrew Thomas Landscaping and E&I Home Improvements.
Selectman McDonald thanked Armand and Claudette Verville for permission to use the meeting house. Mr. Verville gave a brief history of the building and burial ground.
- Fire Department Chief Lambert asked Mr. Goodine to get the FD Capital Reserve Fund sorted out so they could submit a P.O for heating equipment..
- Capital Reserve Fund Transfers Mr. Goodine said there were some transfers from 2022 that needed to be done. Mr. Adinolfo, a trustee, said the trustees are developing policies and procedures to properly manage the trust funds. He also requested a secure PC at town hall that the trustees could use to manage the funds.
- Library Employees The TA is working with the town attorney to determine what benefits might be allowable for part-time employees.
- Boys and Girls Club Update They have hired a contractor and work on the new playground should start soon. THe BOS approved use of a storage container on the property.
- Grant for Emergency Operation Plan The BOS approved applying for a $4,000 grant for Chief Stark to develop this plan on his own time.
- Update on Kettle Rock Road The TA was still collecting information.
- Update on Community Power The state needed clarification of the "opt out" provisions. Chairman McDonald would attend a meeting on June 6th to get some updates.
- Grant for School Resource Officer Chief Stark was attending a school board meeting this same night to discuss a grant for this position.
- Update on Hillsbrook Village There were still a few items regarding fire safety to be completed before clients could move in.
- Town Administrator's Report:
- Deputy Town Clerk - Mr. Goodine said they needed to bring Dawna Baxter back for a short term until they hire a new clerk. They authorized the TA to place an ad seeking a person to work as deputy clerk/welfare assistant/building inspector assistant.
- Road Agent's Report:
- The dept. needs to replace an employee who recently resigned. The TA would work on an ad for that position.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for May 22, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on May 22, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
[Attended the meeting via Zoom conference. Gaps in the notes were caused by poor audio quality.]
BOS Meeting on March 6, 2023
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reviewed the upcoming EDC events.
- OAMH The BOS appointed Armand and Claudette Verville to the Old Allenstown Meeting House Committee.
- Comm. Center Solar Project A contractor (Andrew ???) discussed the possible addition of solar panels on the Community Center roof. It was to be done at no cost to the town, but the vendor would benefit from the power produced. The BOS questioned whether the shingles would last longer than the solar panel lifetime. The vendor was asked to assess the type and age of the roof shingles.
- Short Term Rentals Planning Board members Diane Adinolfo and Michael O'Meara gave an overview of these rentals, which were typically for 1-30 days. They described current rental sites in town and the pros and cons. The Planning Board would be giving out survey forms at the town election to get opinions from residents.
- Fire Dept. Chief Lambert displayed designs for new FD patches, one of which featured a black bear.
- FD Grants The FD was to apply for some grants for equipment.
- EMT Training The FD planned to use $3750 for EMT training.
- Posting Roads The Road Agent would be posting load limits of 26,000 pounds due to Spring frost heaves. The BOS approved this.
- Eversource Pole Repairs They would be replacing wooden power line crossbars with metal ones.
- EB2GOV Fees Service charges were to increase slightly for using the online fee payment service.
- Kettle Rock Road One resident claimed to own the road and other residents wanted access to this unpaved road. THe TA gave an update.
- May Meetings These were to be rescheduled due to conflicts with other events.
- Town Administrator's Report
- Road Agent's Report
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the meeting minutes for Feb. 21, 2023.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.