2025 Election Results
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Allenstown Election Results

Dateline: Mar. 12, 2025


The March 11, 2025 town and school elections took place at the old Allenstown Elementary School on Main St. It was a fine sunny day for an election with temps in the 50s.

The election of town and school officials was made more informative by this writer's creation of a web page on which all candidates could submit written statements and photos. This gave voters something better than a yard sign to figure out who to vote for.

 Who Ya Gonna Vote For?

A total of 472 votes were cast by the end of the day. Due to technical difficulties, the results were not posted until midday Weds. The following link leads to copies of the ballots with votes written next to each candidate and warrant article.

 Results for the town and school election

Town Highlights

In the hotly contested Selectmen race featuring Diane Adinolfo, David Bouffard, John Childs, Kristopher Fowler, Laura Lambert, Jim Rodger (I), and Roger Staley, the two winners of a three year term were Diane Adinolfo and Laura Lambert.

For all other positions, the sole candidate was automatically elected. This included Chad Pelissier, the successful Road Agent, who won another three year term.

All the zoning ordinance amendments passed.

The proposed town budget ($6,164,887) was defeated and the default town budget ($5,507,875) was approved by a wide margin. This will lead to a lot of undesirable belt tightening in all departments.

The proposed sewer budget ($2,787,177) won out over the default sewer budget ($2,743,500).

The article to rescind SB 2 and return to the old fashion style town meeting was strongly defeated by a 2-1 margin.

School Highlights

For the one contested School Board position, Cheryl McDonald was elected to a one year term.

The proposed school budget ($13,950,191) was approved by 2-1 over the default school budget ($13,975,134).

The articles concerning putting money into trust funds were approved/defeated.

The article to pay for another school bus was not approved.

Article 8, Sale of Armand R. Dupont School by the School District was sadly approved.

Article 9, Sale of Allenstown Elementary School by the School District was also sadly approved. This could muddy the waters since on Monday 3/10 the Selectmen just held the first of two public hearings on the purchase of AES. Both the Select Board and the School Board have signed a Purchase & Sale Agreement.

Related Sites

Allenstown town site

Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

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