2021 Christmas Light Awards Ceremony
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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

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"How 'bout Them Lights?"
A Festive Awards Ceremony

Dateline: Dec. 21, 2021

The Allenstown Economic Development Committee (EDC), in collaboration with the ARD Student Council and the ARD School Chorus held the

Third Annual Christmas Lighting Awards Ceremony

on December 18 at the Allenstown Community Center. A light snow was falling but about 50 people attended the event. Selectman Scott McDonald welcomed everyone and thanked them for participating this year. Last year, there was only a small ceremony outside Town Hall due to the prevailing coronavirus.

EDC Chairman Michael Frascinella also welcomed residents with the comment, "Is everyone here who wanted to be here?" He then encouraged attendees to partake of the hot chocolate and sweet treats available at the Bake Sale tables.


He then introduced ARD Music Teacher Michael Kenyon who led the ARD School Chorus as they sang several Christmas carols including an inspirational rendition of "Silent Night." For a finale, Mr. Kenyon invited the audience to join them in singing "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" and "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town."

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Awards Ceremony

The long awaited awards ceremony then took place. Mr. Frascinella announced that over 90 people had mailed in votes. The awards included a trophy (shown in the above photo) and a gift card. The gift cards were donated by these generous local businesses:

Aubuchon Hardware, $30.00
Suncook River Convenience Store, $25.00
Sully's Market, $25.00

In response to the generosity of these local businesses, Mr. Frascinella encouraged everyone to support these local companies and thank them for supporting the Christmas Lighting Contest.

During the final vote count, the EDC discovered a tie vote for First Place. A coin toss was then used to decide who got the top prize. Here are the winners:


First Place: Earle Rowell, 7 Sullivan Drive


Second Place: Cheryl Forsberg-Hill, 3 Bailey Ave.


Third Place: Ashlie Klawes (the Klawes Family),
6 Kenwood Drive

About four other homeowners received Honorable Mention for a tie for Fourth Place.

What You Can Do

Talk to you neighbors about this fun event. Next year, let's get more people to register their homes and make it a more exciting and enjoyable holiday. And be sure to support our local businesses!

Christmas tree

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