Town Adminstrator: Farewell and Welcome
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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

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Farewell Derik Goodine,
Welcome John Harrington

Dateline: Aug. 04, 2024

Farewell to Derik Goodine


Former Town Administrator Derik Goodine ended six years of working for Allenstown on July 8th, a tenure which began on June 4, 2018 at the Old Allenstown Meeting House.

He was guest of honor at a farewell party at the Allenstown Fire Station on July 9th, which was attended by several dozen officials and friends. Attendees enjoyed light snacks and soft drinks.

Selectman Scott McDonald commended Derik for his service to the town and presented him with a large framed plaque containing a Proclamation of Thanks, the 2022 Town Report cover featuring the first town ambulance, a photo of the two major construction projects (25 Canal Lofts and Hillsbrook Village), and a Thank You card signed by well wishers.


Selectman McDonald presents special plaque to Mr. Goodine

Although he gave notice weeks before, they were hectic weeks of finishing open projects, conducting agenda-packed Selectmen's meetings, cleaning up files, databases, and e-mail, as well as informing other town officials of various important operational details.

He also helped the Selectmen to find candidates to interview for the position he was vacating. He also had to get up to speed on the tasks and officials awaiting him at the new position in Maine.


Mr. Goodine cuts cake inscribed with "Thanks for Everything You've Done for the Town"

After making several attempts at pleasant persistence, Mr. Goodine responded with the following recollections of his efforts to improve economic conditions and community spirit, and his appreciation for the dedicated officials and volunteers of the town. He ended by explaining the excellent opportunity that opened up near his home town in Maine.

"As I just officially moved the weekend of July 21 from New Hampshire, I wanted to thank the residents of Allenstown for allowing me to be their Town Administrator for the last six years. I believe it was a successful six years, and many positive things happened. Allenstown always seemed to be this hidden jewel between Concord and Manchester.

"Over the last few years, people have discovered it, which can be seen in the increased property values in the community, and how quickly real estate is snatched up when put on the market.

"People ask me of what I am most proud from my time in Allenstown. I would say that I believe I helped make Allenstown's Quality of Place better and enhanced the valuation in town by bringing in the two largest developments since the China Mill was built back in the 1800s. Both the 25 Canal Lofts and the Hillsbrook Village Senior Living have grown the population in Allenstown by at least 500 people and created at least 60 new jobs in town. Over the next five years, these projects will be fully on the tax rolls which will provide valuable tax relief to the taxpayers.

"Also when I left, I was in discussions with a developer to bring in a fast food option and some other businesses into Allenstown, which have been heavily in demand by the residents. I also hope to see the development of the Town Hall and other uses at the old elementary school!

"I will miss the many volunteers and employees of the Allenstown Town Government. They are dedicated and committed to the success of the community, and thus I know I leave the Town in good hands. I will also miss the many friends that I have made in Allenstown. Also, I want to extend my thanks and gratitude to the Select Boards that I served over this period of time that allowed me to help manage the community.

"So why did I leave, when things were going well in Allenstown? The reasons are many, but mostly because Allenstown is located 3.5 hours away from most of my family, and that distance could be challenging to say the least. Also, the opportunity to manage a college community on the coast of Maine, 20 minutes from a house I own, as a Town Manager instead of an Administrator, was too hard to pass up. A Town Manager has full authority to manage a community instead of administer through a Select Board, so the latter can be much less stressful at times.

"The Select Board has interviewed several candidates for the Administrator position, and is currently finalizing negotiations and background checks on a qualified candidate, and probably by the time this is published, he will be in office. In the meantime, the Select Board has put the administrative duties in the very capable hands of long time NH Town Administrator John Scruton who has come out of retirement to hold things down until that time.

"Again, thank you for privilege of being the Town Administrator of Allenstown, NH, and I wish for continued success for the community in the future, and I will be back to visit from time to time to see how things are going.

"With Gratitude,
Derik Goodine"

Welcome to John Harrington


In a phone conversation on August 1st, Selectman Scott McDonald stated that the Allenstown Select Board has hired a new Town Administrator. After interviewing several candidates, the Board selected John Harrington, Jr., who had been the Town Administrator for Deerfield, NH since January 2017 and is a long-time resident of that town.

Mr. McDonald mentioned that "he comes with a great deal of experience in town affairs. During his interview, he greatly impressed us with his ability to answer several tough questions."

Mr. Harrington could not be reached for comment but Mr. McDonald said he is to start work in Allenstown on Monday August 12th.

What You Can Do

The Selectmen have a meeting that night so stop in and meet the new Town Administrator.

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Town EDC Web Site

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