Allenstown Alt.
Sewer Dept. Accomplishments
Sewer Department
35 Canal Street
Allenstown, NH
After hours:
Emergency: 603-340-2644
Check town web site for current business hours.
The Allenstown Sewer Department periodically provides information to the public about its completed projects and activities. The goal of these projects is to improve the services offered to rate payers in Allenstown and Pembroke, to maintain a high level of service, to reduce or minimize the costs of delivering these services, and to comply with state and federal regulations.
Accomplishments by Year
Sewer rate: $7.57/1,000 gal., the same rate as in 2016.
Sewer rate: $7.57/1,000 gal.
- Replaced over 15 manhole covers (including risers where needed) on Main St., School St., Reynolds Ave., and Ferry St.
- Erected sliding enclosures on the new Vaughn pumps atop the aeration tanks.
Purchased and installed a new stainless steel "can" for disposal of hauled septage. Another "can" is scheduled for delivery in early 2017. ➤
- Purchased and installed several pieces of new equipment: a grit pump, computer software, several feet of conduit pipe for electrical connections, and a crawler camera for inspecting sewer mains.
- Located the outfall pipe into the Merrimack River and marked it with a buoy.
- Replacing the sewer main on Ridge Road.
Estimated cost: $45,000.00. Funded by 2015 Sewer Budget.
This project is on hold so that other projects in the Collection System can be done.
- Continuing installation of the new mixing system in the aeration tanks.
Estimated cost: $500,000.00. Funded by 2014, 2015, and 2016 Hauled Waste Budget.
This system should be completed i the near future. A ceremony and a commemorative plaque are planned for Spring 2017.
New pump for mixing the liquid inside the aeration tanks.
Rotomix piping and nozzles inside tank #6.
The new nozzles will allow for mixing inside tank #6 without the addition of air. This is instead of using the new pump for mechanical mixing.
- Plans call for replacing five (5) sewer manhole frames and covers on Ferry Street along with a point repair (near Canal Street), replacing two (2) sewer manhole frames and covers on Reynolds Avenue and one (1) on Whitten Street in conjunction with the new Community Center project.
- Completing Phase I Engineer conceptual design for Suncook Pond Pump Station. The new pump station will eliminate the major liability to the town by removing the double siphon located under Irish Pond.
Sewer rate: $7.58/1,000 gal.
- Repaired ten (10) more sewer manholes and installed new, hinged, locking covers.
Total Cost: $23,950 funded by 2015 Sewer Budget.
NOTE: Sewer budget is subsidized 80% by Hauled Waste Revenue.

- Completed point repairs to Meadow Lane, Heritage Drive, and Townhouse Road including cleaning, removing roots, and televising the line.
- Replaced original 1975 boilers with energy efficient boilers.
- Replaced undersized pump in the solids handling process and two original (1975) grit pumps in the headworks building.
- River Road Pump Station improvements include:
- Installed internet service
- Completed automated system
- Improved fences
- Completed modifications to existing clarifiers: installed Weir Wolf Brushes which is a self-cleaning launder system.
- Ordered equipment for the install of the RotoMix system (to be shipped week of 11/23/2015).
Sewer rate: $7.59/1,000 gal.
- Repaired fifteen (15) sewer manholes and installed new hinged, locking covers.
Total Cost: $30,361.00 Funded by 2014 Sewer Budget. Sewer budget was subsidized 86% by Hauled Waste Revenue.
- Installed a tank mixing system into tank 8.
Estimated completed cost: $75,000.00. Funded by 2014 Sewer Budget.
- Televised the remaining sewer mains.
Total Cost: $12,265.00. Funded by 2014 Sewer Budget.
- Installed a new Dechlor system.
- Replaced nine original 1975 pumps:
- Two sump pumps in pump house
- Two sump pumps in headworks
- Two sump pumps in pump room
- One Return-Activated Sludge pump in pump house
- Two sump pumps at River Road Pump Station
- Installed a flow meter at River Road Pump Station.
- Upgraded the security system throughout the facility.

Sewer rate: $7.60/1,000 gal.
- The Allenstown Sewer Dept. finally received a long-awaited state grant for $45,000. This covered part of the cost for sewer projects completed in the past. These funds will go back to the reserve fund that was used to pay for those projects.
January - May 2013
- Adopted a Septage Hauler Accounting Policy. This policy has increased our cash flow by changing the payment due date from the 25th to the 15th. Previously, there was only a verbal policy in place and the rules could not really be enforced. This was put in writing with credit limits for companies with late payments.
- Started requiring bonds for vendors that might have been turned off in the past, so that, if they did fail to pay a bill, we could go after their insurance company to pay us.
- Commissioners approved accepting credit cards as a form of payment from the Septage Haulers.
- Changed merchants for processing of credit card payments, saving approx. $1500 a year.
- Increased the hauler's permit fee from $50.00 to $100.00 per truckload. Despite the increase, all current vendors have renewed their permits.
- Department Staff installed baffles into clarifiers instead of by hiring a contractor, saving approx. $20,000.
- Removed Al's Avenue sewer line replacement from 2013 budget, saving approx $70,000.
- Changed the flat sewer user rate from $171.00 per quarter to $153.90. This was due to a decrease in the average daily flow from 250 gallons to 225 gallons per day.
- Eliminated the $20.00 disposal fee for residents of Allenstown and Pembroke for RV septic disposal. Non-residents still pay $20.00.
October 2013
State-of-the-art septage receiving station opened
Plant can now handle four trucks at a time.
Sewer rate: $7.60/1,000 gal.
April 2012
- Saved the Sewer Department $17,500 on a new drum that reduced the use of magnetite daily. The reduced price was thanks to the staff at the plant who worked for weeks trying to locate one at a cheaper price.
May 2012
- Negotiated a new contract with Waste Management, Inc. for a savings of $6,500 per month.
July 2012
- Oak Street - Installed 350 feet of sewer main and a new manhole.
- Als Avenue - Removed a deteriorated manhole and replaced 90 feet of sewer main.
- Cross Street - Removed a cleanout that had been improperly installed many, many years ago, replacing it with a new manhole structure. The manhole is larger than a cleanout and used to join lines and continue a flow.
- Ferry Street - Repaired and paved the lower portion of Ferry Street after adding sewer line.
- Campbell Street - Replaced 375 feet of sewer main.
- Infiltration - Made improvements in the collection system that decreased ground water infiltration.
August 2012
- Switched to another energy supplier thus saving $2,000 per month. The new supplier, Glacial Energy, offered a very competitive rate and we locked that in for a two-year period.
- Installed natural gas lines to the treatment plant to convert from oil to natural gas, resulting in a fuel savings.
September 2012
- Retained the same firm as the town to audit all sewer plant books for transparency. We had them review the last three years of information, reviewed the current year (2012) for errors, and trained our staff in correct accounting procedures.
November 2012
- Established an increase in the septage haulers rate to take effective on January 1, 2013.
- Announced that there would be no increase in the sewer rate for residents.
December 2012
- Paid the Sewer Upgrade Bond in full as promised.
- Submitted a budget that was only $5,871.00 more than the 2012 budget.