Allenstown Alt.
2019 School Warrant Articles
Town Hall 16 School St. Allenstown, NH 603-485-4276
Check town web site for current business hours.
Ballot Details
At the March 12 election, voters face a shopping list of warrant articles, with most of them dealing with adding tax money to trust funds. $20,000 seems to be a popular number for all the trust fund warrant articles.
The money to be spent on trust funds comes from a slush fund of your unspent tax money for last year, called "the June 20, 2019 fund balance." That's why they include the statement that "No amount will be raised from FY2019-20 taxation."
Feel free to take this guide to the voting place.
Article |
Description |
Hint |
Results |
Article 1 |
School Budget
Take a close look at the school budget numbers.
- 2019-20 Proposed School Budget = $10,445,548 for 539 current students
- 2019-20 Default School Budget = $10,349,197
- Current Year's Approved School Budget = $10,021,355
The proposed school budget is $96,351 more than the default budget and $424,193 more than the current year's budget. That makes the default budget look like the better choice.
NO |
Article 2 |
Technology Replacement Expendable Trust Fund
This article adds $20,000 to the fund for replacing old computers and related equipment. These funds should NOT be used to play into the hands of Google and other high tech companies who make deals with school systems so they can secretly track students, data mine their personal information, and bombard them with online advertising. Funding for this article is to come from the 2019 fund balance and will not affect the tax rate.
Read Michelle Malkin's exposé about Google's Kiddie Data Predators from Sept. 28, 2018 and the investigative report about Silicon Valley Santas from Dec. 27, 2018.
Article 3 |
High School Tuition Expendable Trust Fund
This article adds $20,000 to the fund for Pembroke Academy (PA) tuition for Allenstown high school students. The tuition for the next school year at PA is calculated now and -- it is assumed -- paid in installments. If, at the end of the school year, tuition costs increased over the budgeted amount, then the amount due can be withdrawn from this account without causing an increase in the school budget. Funding for this article is to come from the 2019 fund balance and will not affect the tax rate.
Article 4 |
School Building Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund
This article adds $20,000 to the fund for needed emergency repairs to the AES and ARD school buildings. Because of the age of the buildings, there might be unplanned emergency plumbing, heating, or electrical failures that go beyond normal operating expenses. Funding for this article is to come from the 2019 fund balance and will not affect the tax rate.
Article 5 |
Special Education General Expendable Trust Fund
This article adds $20,000 to the fund for unplanned expenses due to either new special ed. students entering the system or changes in the placement of current special ed. students. Funding for this article is to come from the 2019 fund balance and will not affect the tax rate.
Article 6 |
Gifts to the school district
This article allows the school district to accept gifts or property. It is hoped that these gifts will offset expenses.